Friday, June 27, 2014

Weekly Survey - 38 Weeks!

This post is late again!! Should have been posted on 6/23/14! P.S. Found some pretty funny pregnancy ecards this week, so be warned that they will be making some appearances throughout this post!


How far along?: 38 Weeks! Almost there!!!

This week, Baby E is the size of a: PUMPKIN!! Getting BIG!

Maternity clothes?: Ugh... ya'll know my thoughts on these right now!

{Yup... I'm not going!}

Total weight gain/loss: Actually, haven't really been gaining a whole lot lately, even though I may look it AND I still feel like I'm getting HUGE!!!!

{SO TRUE!!!!!}

Stretch marks?: Just the same ones from before!

Sleep: Sleep is hit or miss these days! Between trying to get comfy and frequent bathroom breaks, I'm trying to get as much rest as possible, but it's not the best!

Best moment this week: Reaching 38 weeks! Yayyy! Mark's work had a surprise baby shower for us! Sooooo sweet! Sticking with SOME exercising (So difficult!!)! And receiving some good news at my doctor's appointment... let's just say things are moving along! :)

{Surprise Baby Shower at Mark's office! So sweet!!!}

{Trying to stick with my exercising... however, the ecard below is how I actually feel about the whole thing! HA!}

Movement: Oh yes! He's still super active in there! So crazy to sit and watch my belly LITERALLY move from left to right! #alienbelly (That's right, I just threw a hashtag in there! HA!)

Food cravings: Fruit, root beer floats this week, and just food in general!

{Craving fruit and smoothies! Well, see picture below!}

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Actually, have had some weird days where I feel some nausea! Yuck! But, other than those rare times, I'm still feeling pretty great!

Have you started to show yet?: HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's all I can do, right now, with this question!

Labor signs?: Have started having some VERY sporadic contractions... Eeeek!!

Belly button in or out?: In still, but close to flat.

Wedding rings on or off?: Off. :(

Happy or moody most of the time?: I feel like happy... others may say differently! HAHA!

Symptoms: HEARTBURN still. And all the same ones as before.

{BAHAHAHA!!! Yup!}

What I miss: Nothing new.

What I'm looking forward to: Maybe reaching 39 weeks!?? We can't wait to meet our little peanut!!!

Milestones: (Based on a pregnancy app) Your baby knows it's crunch time! Surfactant, which will help them breath oxygen, is being produced in record numbers. They are constantly practicing for their first breath and their little heart is pumping blood furiously through their tiny body. Meconium, which is really a fancy word for poo - is building up in your baby's intestines and most of the major details are essentially complete. Some lanugo may still be shedding and your baby may even be born with patches of this white fur on their body. Weight gain is rapid and your baby is just about ready to be born.

Weekly wisdom: Try to rest and relax as much as possible!! That's the best I have for you this week! :)

{Keeping busy and spending some time being creative!

Sweet Evan, we sooooo can't wait to meet you! The doctor said that it could be any day now!! Sooooo exciting! We know that you will come when you are ready and we will be here to love on you when that day comes! We love you bunches!! Hugs and Kisses... love, Momma and Daddy!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Weekly Survey - 37 Weeks!

This post is late, AGAIN, this week! Whoops! Should have posted this on Monday (6/16/14)!

How far along?: 37 weeks!! FULL TERM... Woohoo!!

This week, Baby E is the size of a: WINTER MELON!!

Maternity clothes?: Yup! Like I said last week, even maternity clothes are becoming uncomfortable! I didn't know that was even possible! When I first started wearing maternity clothes, I thought they were the greatest things ever - so comfortable! Hmmmmm... not anymore! Clothes just suck right now! YUCK! Ok, I'm done complaining for now! hehe.

Total weight gain/loss: Gaining still, duh!!

Stretch marks?: I think some small ones on my sides!??? Ugh!

Sleep: Getting a little more iffy! Frequent potty breaks and just getting more challenging to stay comfortable! However, it could be worse!

Best moment this week: Reaching 37 weeks!! Still getting odds and ends done in the nursery! The hubs finally got to try out his smoker and we had some delicious bbq! He did awesome!!! Celebrating Father's Day with many special Dads including my Daddy, Grandpa, and Hubby (soon to be daddy!)! I have also done a better job at sticking with some exercising this week!

{Nesting, still, and keeping busy!}

{Holy yummy BBQ feast! Thanks hubs!!}

{LOVED celebrating these amazing men on Father's Day!}

{Sticking with exercising and trying to stay healthy has definitely helped keep me busy!}

Movement: Yup! Strong and active little guy in there!

Food cravings: Nothing specific comes to mind! Hasn't been the most healthy-eating week for me! Oops! I'm trying to be better this week!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Nope, just that crazy heartburn!

Have you started to show yet?: Yup!

Labor signs?: Don't think so!

Belly button in or out?: In, but pretty close to flat.

Wedding rings on or off?: Off. :(

Happy or moody most of the time?: Happy, for the most part!

Symptoms: All the same ones.

What I miss: Nothing new.

What I'm looking forward to: Reaching 38 weeks! The arrival of our little peanut! I'm getting more and more ready to hold him in my arms instead of my HUGE belly! However, I am trying to enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy too!

Milestones: (Based on a pregnancy app) Your baby is ready and positioned for birth. If your baby is still breech, your caregiver may attempt to turn the baby from the outside (not a pleasant experience, but worth it). Your baby will now turn toward light or noises and looks and functions exactly as they will the day you deliver. Your baby will put on weight consistently when they are in uterine. Most people attribute a healthy baby to a big baby - however that is not necessarily the case. your baby will likely weigh somewhere between what you and the dad weighed at the time of delivery.

Weekly wisdom: Try to rest, relax, and enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy!

Well, Mr. Evan, your arrival is getting closer and we just can't wait! I'm trying to keep myself busy, but also enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy! Can't wait to meet you, hold you, and love on you! I, really, didn't know it was possible to love someone so much without meeting them... but I'm so in love with you already! Hugs and Kisses, little man! Love, Momma and Daddy

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Weekly Survey - 36 Weeks!

Late again... yup! Whoopsies! Keeping myself pretty busy these days!

How far along?: 36 weeks (aka 9 months!!)!! Crazy! Only 4ish weeks left till we get to meet our little peanut!!

This week, Baby E is the size of a: HONEYDEW MELON!!

Maternity clothes?: Yep! However, nowadays I would just prefer to not wear clothes! bahaha!! Sorry about that... TMI, much??!

Total weight gain/loss: Absolutely gaining and feeling HUGE!!! Getting more and more uncomfortable as the days progress!

Stretch marks?: I think I might be getting tiny ones on my sides???! Trying to keep lotion/ coconut oil on the, but they are going to happen, no matter what I do! Ha!

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good! I've been nesting like crazy lately, so as soon as my head hits the pillow at night, I'm pretty much out! I toss and turn a bit at night (when my hips start to ache) and have to get up for frequent potty breaks, but really not too much to complain about.

Best moment this week: Reaching 9 months (so glad our little guy is still baking in there!)!! Getting a lot of stuff done around the house, while preparing for Mr. Evan 's arrival! Oh, and can't forget National Donut Day - I definitely enjoyed a donut and some coffee!!! I did a little treadmill action to try and justify it - ha! I have also tried to stick with some exercising this week(although it's nothing like it used to be, I'm trying to keep Momma and Baby somewhat healthy!)!

{Hmmm... I might be nesting a bit! Can't seem to get this darn house clean enough! haha!}

{Just some nursery organization and some pics of our moose obsession!! hehe! LOVE it!}

{Like I said, trying to stick with it, but it's proving to be more and more challenging!}

{Can't be cranky when there are donuts and coffee!}

Movement: Yup! Great Grandma Carolee, Grandma Melia, and Grandpa Mike also got to feel his strong movements this week! Of course, Daddy has still been feeling him move - he moves whenever Daddy talks to him! He's a Daddy's boy and I love it!

Food cravings: FRUIT!!!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: Not really. Heartburn sucks!!!!

Have you started to show yet?: Um, I'm going to go with yes, folks! What do you think???! hehehe.

Labor signs?: Nope.

Belly button in or out?: In still.

Wedding rings on or off?: Off. :(

Happy or moody most of the time?: It depends. Trying to stay happy and upbeat. :)

Symptoms: All the same ones.

What I miss: Same things that I have mentioned before. Nothing new comes to mind.

What I'm looking forward to: Reaching 37 weeks!! We can't wait to meet our little guy in a few short weeks (well, I'm sure they will feel long to me! haha!)!!

Milestones: (Based on a pregnancy app) Your baby has an insatiable appetite at this point, working hard to gain as much weight as possible. The knees and elbows are getting those tell tale folds of infancy. While the downy hair called lanugo is just about gone, the cheese like substance called vernix has now covered your baby (sounds yuck... but you won't think anything of it when you see your baby for the first time). Your baby is still sleeping around 90% of the day away, and will continue to do this even a couple of weeks after birth. Your baby is life size now - and will gain weight at the rate of 1/2 to 1 pound per week from here on out (you know what that means, right?? More gaining for momma! hahaha!)!!

Weekly wisdom: Start paying more attention to your mood and your body. Really listen to your body too! It will tell you when you've done too much and need to just take some time to rest! Speaking of rest, remember to be getting plenty of it!!! :)

We're getting close, Mr. Evan!! We can't wait, but are still getting stuff prepared for your arrival, so you just continue to hang out in Momma's belly and bake away!! Love you bunches, little man!! Hugs and Kisses, from Momma and Daddy!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Weekly Survey - 35 Weeks!

 Whoops! This post is a couple of days late! Better late than never, right?! I've been just going, going, going lately (nesting??! I think so!! HA!)


How far along?: 35 weeks!!! Moving (and growing!) right along!

This week, Baby E is the size of a: COCONUT!!

Maternity clothes?: hmmmmm... yup!

Total weight gain/loss: Gaining! Yes, still not sharing an actual number... sorry! Doctor said I'm "right on track!" Definitely feeling large and in charge! :)

Stretch marks?: Not yet.

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty great! Being in crazy nesting mode has probably helped a lot! I feel like I try to go, go, go all day and then just crash at night!

Best moment this week: Our last 2 baby showers, spending time with family (near and far!), finishing up shopping for essentials for our little man, and getting lots done around the house!

{Our last 2 wonderful showers! We truly have felt loved and blessed through this journey! Thank you, everyone!}
{Amazing weekend with family! Top picture: Grandma and Grandpa with their great grandkids (including #7, Evan James, in my belly!)! Bottom picture: The whole crew!

Movement: Absolutely! Strong (and sometimes painful) movements! Feel like he's running out of room in there!

Food cravings: Fruit, fruit, and more fruit this week! Especially peaches!!

{Just to show my obsession with fruit and especially peaches this week! Smoothie made with peaches, strawberries, and mixed berry greek yogurt, peaches on my ice cream, and easy homemade peach crisp (of course loaded with ice cream!)! Yum!!}

Anything making you queasy or sick?: nope.

Have you started to show yet?: Sure have!!! hahaha!

Labor signs?: Not yet. I'm hoping he continues to bake in there for at least a couple more weeks!!

Belly button in or out?: In, at the moment. Getting closer and closer to being flat.

Wedding rings on or off?: Off. :(

Happy or moody most of the time?: Oh, it depends!! I definitely have my moments! Trying to not be too cranky to those around me!

Symptoms: All the same as before. Definitely getting more and more uncomfortable as the days progress.

What I miss: Things that I used to take for granted, like picking stuff up off the floor, moving quickly (that doesn't happen at all anymore!), and getting out of bed or off the couch (definitely more challenging!)!! hahaha!
{This is how I feel while trying to get out of bed while prego! Just take a second and visualize this... it's actually quite comical! hahaha! #pregoproblems}

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing getting all prepped for our little man's arrival and the arrival of our little Evan James!!

Milestones: (Based on a pregnancy app) Your baby is moving further down the birth canal and gaining weight at rapid speeds (what a lucky mom you are). Your baby is putting on something called "brown fat" this week, which is designed to help your baby stay warm after delivery. The vernix covering is thicker now to help your baby slide through the birth canal with ease. The testes in boys are now descended and your baby is busy practicing everything from sucking and breathing to peeing and smiling. With less room to move, the baby is now kicking and punching harder than ever.

{You know me... I love progress pics!!}

Weekly wisdom: (Per a pregnancy app, as well!) Now might be the time to invest in some earplugs. Every female that ever gave birth, will share their labor and delivery story, as well as advice, thoughts, and opinions. It's ok to tell them, "thanks, but no thanks!" and walk away. You have a free pass to be rude when you are this pregnant. HAHAHA!

Keep baking in there, Evan! We can't wait to meet you, but want you to keep developing and growing! We are finishing getting things ready for you out here!! We love you so much (to the moon and back, little peanut!)!! Hugs and Kisses, Momma and Daddy!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Weekly Survey - 34 Weeks!


How far along?: 34 weeks (aka 8.5 months!!)!! Whoops - my post is a day late! I just didn't get to it yesterday!

This week, Baby E is the size of a: BUTTERNUT SQUASH!! He's getting big (and so is momma!!)!

Maternity clothes?: All the time!

Total weight gain/loss: Still gaining... feel like it's like crazy now!!! My exercising has not been great lately - ughhh!! Whoops!!

Stretch marks?: not yet, but I'm sure they are right around the corner. I can kind of sense where I'm going to be getting them!

Sleep: Other than a few aches and frequent potty breaks (yup, those are back!), I'm sleeping pretty great!

Best moment this week: Had a great visit with a lifelong bestie this week (who happens to be pregnant and due a month before me!) - it was so great getting together with Clarissa and can't wait for our little guys to have some awesome play dates!

Also, getting our maternity pictures back (below are just a few!) and deciding on our little guy's name! We can't wait for EVAN JAMES ERNST to arrive!!! :) Thank you, Alicia Cooper, for documenting this amazing time in our lives!

Movement: Yup... he's an active little guy and those movements are getting stronger! Sometimes they even hurt! Yikes!

Food cravings: Been craving juice and fruit the past few days! Other than that, nothing specific!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: nope.

Have you started to show yet?: absolutely.

Labor signs?: nope.

Belly button in or out?: in, but getting pretty close to flat.

Wedding rings on or off?: off. :(

Happy or moody most of the time?: Welp, it depends! hahaha. Happy, for the most part... but don't anger me right now. Not fun to be on the receiving end of that! Just saying! :)

Symptoms: All the same ones! However, been having some intense lower back pain the past couple of days. Yuck! Resting, Icing, and Heat!

What I miss: Have really missed intense workouts, but I know I will be back at it before too long!

What I'm looking forward to: 2 more baby showers this week, getting our house all ready for our little peanut to arrive, and the arrival of our bambino!

Milestones: (Based on a pregnancy app) Your little angel is not peeing at the rate of a pint a day (now you can see where all that weight is coming from)! Actually, this is impressive and is just another sign of your baby's readiness to be born. Up until now, your baby had no immune system of its own and relied upon your antibodies to keep safe. This week, your baby's own immune system is kicking into high gear. Good news, if you baby was born today, your baby would have a high chance of having few problems. Of course, the lungs still need as much time as possible. If you are having a son, the testicles will begin descending this week as well.

Weekly wisdom: Stay hydrated (especially if you are pregnant during the heat of summer!), don't overdo it (when nesting and trying to get the house ready!), and rest when possible! I keep telling myself to try and enjoy these last few weeks as much as possible!

Below are some pictures from my work baby shower and baby shower that my amazing friends had for us!! Mark and I (and Baby Evan!) are truly blessed!! 

*We love you, so much, already, Evan! We can't wait for you to arrive, but also still have a lot to do (and you need to bake some more!)... so, keep growing and we will snuggle you soon! Hugs and Kisses, Momma and Daddy!*